
Fault-Tolerant RISC-V Processor

A fault-tolerant design of a RISC-V processor on FPGA.

Fault-tolerant FPGA Architecture

A Self-Repairing bio-Inspired fault-Tolerant FPGA architecture with improved reliability and low area-overhead as compared to previous methodologies.

CPU-GPU Speed Comparison

Performance comparison of image processing algorithm on CPU and GPU.

Measurement of On-Chip Speed/Thermal Variations

Experimentation of on-chip speed variations through dynamic partial reconfiguration on two same FPGAs.

RTL Development of USB 3.0

A complete synthesizable RTL core of USB 3.0 memory device.

Nand Flash Solid State Device

Designing and development of a dual-channel NAND flash data storage device.

SCADA System for Defective Tablets Detection

An cost effective solution to detect and remove defective tablets through an automated process.

GSM Based Security System

Cost effective GSM-based security system using LabVIEW.

Low Cost Fabrication of Highly Reliable Single-sided PCBs

I established a Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) lab at my home where I was able to design and fabricate professional single-sided PCBs.

Tools for hardware testing and data monitoring

Worked on multiple projects including development of software and hardware.